Alvarion Technologies Ltd. BMAX-BA36 ユーザーズマニュアル

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SU Menu
BreezeMAX Modular Base Station System Manual
Load (load to Shadow), Run from Shadow or Set as Main. Refer to 
 for more details on these Actions.
Delete a File
Select this option and enter the name of an existing SU SW file to delete it from 
the NPU Flash memory.
4.10.5 Select by Name
Use this option to select an SU by name to access the SU # menu that will enable 
managing and configuring the selected SU, viewing its performance information or 
deleting it from the database.
4.10.6 Select by MAC Address
Use this option to select an SU by its MAC address to access the SU # menu that 
will enable managing and configuring the selected SU, viewing its performance 
information or deleting it from the database.
4.10.7 SU # Menu
The SU # menu enables managing and configuring the selected SU. The SU # 
menu includes the following options:
Unit Control
Performance Monitoring
Show MAC Addresses Behind SU
Delete (not applicable for units operating in IP CS Switching Mode)
Select this option to view the current value/selected option of applicable 
parameters. In addition, some general status information is displayed, as follows:
Equipment and Registration Parameters:
MAC Address