Humax R16 ユーザーズマニュアル

ページ / 82
This reminder is provided to call your attention to articles 810 and 820 of the 2005 National Electrical Code. Refer to article 810, in particular 810-1 and 810-15, for required 
grounding of the metal structure of the dish antenna. Refer also to the 810-2 which, by reference to article 820, requires that the satellite dish coaxial cable shield be 
connected to the grounding system of the building as close to the point of cable entry as practical.
Note to Satellite Dish Installer
•  Ensure proper ventilation — the vent slots on the DIRECTV Receiver must be left uncovered to allow proper airfl ow to the unit. 
Blocking the airfl ow to the unit could impair performance or damage your receiver and other components.
•  Do not stack electronic components or other objects on top of the DIRECTV Receiver. Also, do not stack the receiver on top of a 
“hot component” such as an audio power amplifi er.
•  Protect your components from power surges by connecting all the components before plugging any power cords into the wall outlet. 
Use of a surge protector is also recommended.
•  Don’t overload power outlets or extension cords, which can result in the risk of fi re or shock. It’s also important to use only the type 
of power source indicated on the marking label or in this manual.
•  Avoid audio hum or interference by inserting all cable plugs fi rmly into their  jacks. Also, place Audio/Video (A/V)  cables to the sides 
of the TV back panel rather than down the middle once connected. Try not to coil any twin-lead  cables and keep them away from 
A/V  cables as much as possible.
•  Never insert objects of any kind into any openings in the DIRECTV Receiver (other than the DIRECTV®  Access Card as detailed in this manual).
•  Place it on a fl at, hard surface — do not operate the DIRECTV Receiver on a carpet or other padded surface.
• Th
  e mains power connector at the back of the unit or at the outlet should be accessible to allow quick shutdown in case of emergency.
•  Always unplug your DIRECTV Receiver before moving it.
•  Always unplug the DIRECTV Receiver, TV and other equipment before you connect or disconnect any  cables.
• Th
  e only way to disconnect the the DIRECTV Receiver from the power supply is to remove the power cord. Th
  e DIRECTV Receiver unit must therefore be installed next to the 
power point which must be easily accessible.
•  CAUTION: Electric Shock — never attempt to disassemble the DIRECTV Receiver yourself; always take it to a qualifi ed service person when repair is required. Opening or 
removing covers may expose dangerous voltage or other risks, and incorrect reassembly can cause shock when receiver is subsequently used. Attempted self-repair may also void 
your  warranty. Changes or modifi cations not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance (by the  warranty or by the manufacturer) could void the user’s authority 
to operate the equipment. 
•  Do not drop your DIRECTV Receiver and always move it with care.
•  Have your DIRECTV Receiver professionally serviced (do not attempt to service it yourself).
•  Any changes or modifi cations in construction of this device which are not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the 
•  If you move your DIRECTV Receiver between locations at diff erent temperatures, allow it to reach room temperature before you apply power to it.
•  Do not pick up or otherwise move your DIRECTV Receiver while it is connected to the AC power supply. If you want to move your set-top box, fi rst disconnect it, then wait at 
least 30 seconds before continuing
For your information:
 e identifi cation sticker can be located underneath or on the back of your receiver.
  e telecommunication network voltage used is the category number 3.
We highly recommend plugging the 
DIRECTV Plus DVR into a surge protector 
to prevent damage from fluctuations in 
your power supply. 
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