Balluff Inc BISS301J ユーザーズマニュアル

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Selecting System
The BIS S-6002 processor has a plastic housing.
The BIS S-6022 processor has a metal housing.
Connection is made through round connectors. Two read/write heads can be cable con-
Series BIS S-60_2 processors have in addition a digital input. The input has various functions
depending on the configuration (see Parametering).
The read/write distances depend on which data carriers are used.
 Additional information on the
read/write heads in series BIS S-3_ _ including all the possible data carrier/read-write head
combinations can be found in the manuals for the respective read/write heads.
The system components are electrically supplied by the processor. The data carrier represents
a free-standing unit and needs no line-carried power. It receives its energy from the read/write
head. The latter constantly sends out a carrier signal which supplies the code head as soon as
the required distance between the two is reached. The read/write operation takes place during
this phase. Reading and writing may be dynamic or static.
BIS S-60_2 Processor
Basic knowledge for application
S60_2-019_828318_0303-e mit CRC.p65
BIS S-60_2 Processor
Basic knowledge for application
The processor writes data from the host system to the Data carrier or reads data from the tag
through the read/write head and prepares it for the host system. Host systems may include:
– a host computer (e.g. industrial PC) or
– a programmable logic controller (PLC)
When sending data between the read/write head and the Data carrier a procedure is required
for recognizing whether the data were correctly read or written.
The processor is supplied with standard Balluff procedure of double reading and comparing.
In addition to this procedure a second alternative is available: CRC_16 data checking.
Here a test code is written to the Data carrier, allowing data to be checked for validity at any
time or location.
Advantages of CRC_16  
Advantages of double reading
Data checking even during the non-active phase
(CT outside read/write head zone).
No bytes on the data carrier need to be reserved
for storing a check code.
Shorter read times since each page is read only
Shorter write times since no CRC needs to be
Since both variations have their advantages depending on the application, the user is free to
select which method of data checking he wishes to use (see Parametering on   23).
It is not permitted to operate the system using both check procedures!
Control Function
Data checking