Davis Instruments DWW6351 ユーザーズマニュアル

ページ / 31
Displaying Weather Variables
The rain values include RAIN 
RATE, RAIN DAY (current 
day’s rain total), RAIN MO 
(monthly rain total), and 
RAIN YEAR (yearly rain 
1. Press RAIN to display the current rain rate.
Rain Rate will display a number other than zero and the 
umbrella icon appears when two tips of the rain spoon have 
occurred within a 15-minute period.
2. Press RAIN again to display RAIN DAY, the rain accumulated 
since 12:00 midnight. 
3. Press RAIN a third time to select the month-to-date precipitation data. 
Monthly rain displays the precipitation accumulated since the calendar 
month began.
4. Press RAIN
a fourth time to display the year-to-date precipitation data. 
Yearly rain displays the precipitation accumulated since the first of the 
month you’ve chosen as the beginning of your rain season in Setup Mode 
(See “Screen 14: Rain Season” on page 13). All rain measurements may be displayed as either inches per hour (in/hr.) or 
millimeters per hour (mm/hr.). See “Selecting Units of Measure” on page 26 
for more information on changing the unit of measure.
5. Press WxCEN to display the weather information available for all of the rain 
variables in the Weather Center. 
6. Press WxCEN multiple times to scroll through the rain-related Weather 
Center screens, which include:
• Rain Rate — Displays the current rate of rain (unless already displayed).
• Rain Rate Maximum — Displays the maximum rain rate for the day and 
the time the rate occurred.
• Rain Last 15 Minutes — Displays the total amount of rain recorded over 
the last 15 minutes.
• Rain Last 24 Hours — Displays the total amount of rain recorded over the 
last 24 hours.
• Rain Day -- Displays rain since midnight (unless already displayed).
• Last Storm — Displays the rain total from the last rain event and the date 
on which the most recent storm ended. It takes two tips of the rain spoon 
to begin a storm event and 24 hours without rain to end a storm event. 
• Rain Last __ Days — Displays the total rain amount over a user-selected 
number of days. To change the number of days over which the total rain 
amount is displayed, press the + and - keys when this screen is displayed 
in the Weather Center. The number of days allowable is 26 (the last 25 
days plus the current day).
Daily Rain Total with information displayed
in the Weather Center