Roseman Engineering Ltd. WNR24 ユーザーズマニュアル

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 Generation Devices  
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Roseman Engineering Ltd. 
Gas Station installation 
3GCA Communication Adapter 
The 3G Communication Adapter (3GCA) is vehicle detection and data collection unit 
that works in conjunction with the WAF unit and enables to identify automatically the 
wireless devices on the gas station. 
The 3GCA have three serial ports: two for WAF unit and one to station PC. It can work with 
two WAF units at the same time.
The two RS 485 isolated serial ports (Port 1 & Port 2); designed to receives the wireless 
nozzle reader (WNR)  data on the fuel pump dispenser and the odometer reader data from 
the vehicle via the WAF units that located in a high place at the gas station area. 
The 3GCA hardware may have two models, one-model functions as an adapter from RS485 
to TCP/IP with 3GCA software running on the station PC, and the other model functions as a 
standalone data collector for other applications.
LAN-Port 3 to PC 
Serial RS232/RS485 
Power LED  
Power 5V 
Port 1, 2 LEDS 
   Port 2   Port 1   
  2 X RS485 to  WAF