Microsoft Corporation MN700 ユーザーズマニュアル

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24     Microsoft Broadband Networking Wireless Base Station User’s Guide 
Filename: G_Ch3_CSRouter.doc     Project: H1_top    
Template:     Author: ArleneR     Last Saved By: S&T 
Revision #: 19     Page: 24 of 10     Printed: 06/21/03 11:23 PM 
6. Disconnect the Ethernet cable from the base station port, and reconnect it to your 
existing base station, router, or gateway.  
7. Connect one end of the blue Ethernet cable that came with your base station to one 
of the ports of your existing base station, router, or gateway. Connect the other end 
to one of the ports of the base station you set to access point mode. 
Your network should now resemble the following illustration: 
8. Turn on the base station.