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40     Microsoft Broadband Networking Wireless Base Station User’s Guide 
Filename: TS_g_base_station.doc     Project: H1_top    
Template:     Author: ArleneR     Last Saved By: S&T 
Revision #: 36     Page: 40 of 16     Printed: 06/22/03 12:05 AM 
After I install a new base station on my network, my Internet 
connection no longer works. 
Some ISPs record the MAC address of the network adapter, modem, or router that you 
used when you first connected to the Internet. If you have added or replaced a base 
station in your network configuration, your ISP might not recognize the new base 
station’s default MAC address and will deny you access to the Internet.  
To solve the problem, you need to clone, or copy, the MAC address from your original 
device to the new base station. Each network adapter or router that you use has a 
MAC address that is assigned at the time of manufacture and is printed on a label 
attached to the back of the device. After you have written down the MAC address from 
your original adapter or router, you can clone the address to the new base station. 
To clone a MAC address  
1. Start the Broadband Network Utility. 
2. From the Tools menu, click Base Station Management Tool. 
3. Enter your administrator password. 
4. Click Wide Area Network.  
5. In the MAC address boxes, type the MAC address of the original adapter or base 
station that was connected to the Internet before you connected your new base 
station. The MAC address normally appears on the label on the underside of  
the device.   
6. Click Clone MAC address.  
Note   It is a good idea to record the MAC address of the adapter or router in your notes, so 
that if you lose your settings or no longer have the device, you do not lose your ability to 
connect to the Internet.