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46     Microsoft Broadband Networking Wireless Base Station User’s Guide 
Filename: TS_g_base_station.doc     Project: H1_top    
Template:     Author: ArleneR     Last Saved By: S&T 
Revision #: 36     Page: 46 of 16     Printed: 06/22/03 12:05 AM 
My network is slow. 
If networked programs are running slowly, or you are experiencing large slowdowns in 
your Internet connection speed, try decreasing the number of computers or programs 
that are simultaneously accessing your network. 
Note   Programs that do not use network resources, for example Microsoft Word when it is 
editing a local document, will not interfere with the speed of your network. Only programs 
that must constantly use your network connection to function will be affected. Examples 
can include music sharing software and instant messenger programs. 
Your network has a limited amount of bandwidth for transmitting data. As more 
computers access your network at the same time, the bandwidth must be divided 
between all computers. By reducing the number of programs accessing your network 
at the same time, you can increase the speed at which data is transmitted across your 
You might find that you need more bandwidth to use all of your computers at the same 
time on the network. If your connection is still too slow, contact your ISP to verify that 
there are no problems with your connection, such as scheduled maintenance, line 
issues, or other problems. If you are still not satisfied with your connection speed, you 
might want to inquire about upgrading to a faster connection. 
I am having problems running a networked program or multiplayer 
game on my network or the Internet. 
Some networked applications might not be working as expected on your local area 
network (LAN). Symptoms of the problems vary and can include the following:  
Problems connecting to an application after the base station is installed.   
Disconnections while using an application.   
Problems sending or receiving audio and video.   
Problems connecting more than one computer to an online application 
Delays, or lag, while running a multiplayer game on several computers at once. 
Game crashes. 
Delays, or lag, while playing a game over the Internet.