Toshiba Client Solutions CO. LTD. DCE45380A ユーザーズマニュアル

ページ / 13
One-Touch Emergency Call
This feature permits you to dial an emergency number
by a single key stroke, even in the “Phone Lock” or
Restrict” mode. This feature can be turned off to pre-
vent unintentional calls to the emergency number.
See To Turn On/Off One-Touch Emergency Call Fea-
ture (F63)
 on page 85.
1. Press and hold 
 for more than 2 seconds. The
number in emergency memory location “1” will be
2. Then the 
 indicator will be displayed and the
call will be placed. (The factory preset number is
Note: This feature cannot be used if the Keypad Lock is on.
You need to dial all the digits and 
Emergency Call Mode
When you dial one of the 3 preprogrammed emergency
numbers, your phone will enter the Emergency Call
. In this mode, the phone will attempt to complete
the emergency call using any available cellular system
from which it can obtain service.
After it places an emergency call, the phone will stay in
the  Emergency Call Mode, and will display “Emer-
gency Call Mode, END to exit”. In the Emergency Call
, the phone will attempt to continue to receive
service from the Cellular system that it used to com-
plete the call. The phone will automatically exit the
Emergency Call Mode after 5 minutes or after you
Receiving Calls
The phone sounds an alert or vibrates to alert you of
an incoming call. The phone sounds an alert or vibrates
to alert you of an incoming call.  Also, the LED on the
top of the phone will flash.
To Receive a Call
When the telephone rings, press 
 to answer the call.
 indicator will be displayed.
Note: To mute the ringer or stop the vibrating, press 
Any Key Answering
This feature permits you to answer an incoming call by
pressing any key on the key pad except 
Rcl   F