Checkpoint Systems Inc. FISOCKS ユーザーズマニュアル

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S y s t e m   M a i n t e n a n c e :   I n t e l l i g e n t   L i b r a r y   C o n t r o l l e r   S y s t e m   M a i n t e n a n c e  
Purge the Transaction Database
Warning The Purge and Compact functions can cause unpredictable behavior or cause the system to go 
offline if used inappropriately. Only qualified system administrators should use these functions. 
Perform these functions only during non-circulation hours.
To determine how often to purge the transaction database, Checkpoint Systems 
recommends monitoring the size of the transaction database daily (or weekly) for several 
days (or weeks) and using the data gathered to estimate how often to purge the transaction 
Purging and compacting the transaction database functions should be performed as a unit. 
After purging the transaction database, always compact the transaction database. 
Before performing this task, you should have performed the following tasks:
Synchronize offline transactions, if offline processing is enabled at your site 
Backup the transaction database (
To purge the transaction database:
In the Intelligent Library System Control window, select Maintenance > Transaction 
Coordinator > Purge
Figure 13.2 
Purge Navigation
Enter the ILS user name and password in the ILS Login window. The default user 
name is ils, and the default password is maint. Click OK.