Multi-Tech Systems 92U10E06831 ユーザーズマニュアル

ページ / 177
PART 4 – Embedded Device Servers 
Chapter 10 – SocketEthernet IP (MT100SEM-IP)  
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. Universal Socket Hardware Guide for Developers (S000342M) 
How to View the Detailed Information 
New entries are appended to the list shown on the screen above. Only the first ten entries are displayed on 
the screen. However the administrator can scroll down to view more entries. Clicking on an entry displays 
the detailed information about that entry. 
How to Edit the List and Make the Changes Permanent 
1.  Double-click on the entry you wish to edit.  
2.  After clicking the desired entry, a new dialog box displays showing the current configuration. 
3.  Enter the new parameters and click the SET button. The server sends the modified parameters to the 
Upon receiving the broadcast from the Server, the Client validates the packet. The Client determines 
whether the packet is destined for its own MAC Address. If so, it sets the modified parameters that are 
different from its current configuration, and the it broadcast the newly configured parameters. 
The Client Status is set to Active upon the receipt of a broadcast packet.  
The Client Status is made Inactive if there is no request from the client for a stipulated period.  
(3 * periodic timer value).  
How to Set the Parameters to the Previous Configuration 
When the RESET button is clicked, the parameters are set to the defaults received. In other words, RESET 
is similar to UNDO (it sets the modifications to the previous ones). 
Saving the Log 
The logs can be saved to a file. They are spooled into the third part of the window in the main dialog box. To save 
the log:   Select File > Save Log As