MC MOBILE E.U. AEROX ユーザーズマニュアル

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restrictions cost: the cost of the
″ call can be limited to a specified quantity of currency-denominated unit or units. Call cost settings enter the PIN2 
code is required.   
prices and
″ rates: need network support this feature, the specific details, please contact the network operator.   
SMS Counter: View has been sent information and has received a record amount of information, and delete messages and to receive the amount 
of information.   
GPRS traffic:   
  last transmission: See the
″ last link to send traffic.   
  receive: See the last link to receive
″Last  traffic.  
  all send: View All link to send traffic.
 all receive: View
″ all links receive traffic.   
  counter zero: button to remove all access
″ traffic.   
General call settings:   
Local number: the system
″ default, the hidden number, send the number.   
    1. system default: call when the
ν system default by way of sending the local number.   
  2. hidden number: call
ν when the system does not send the local number. If the system does not support this feature may lead to not call.   
    3. number: calls to the system to
νSend  send the local number.  
Note: This feature is network support required.   
call waiting: Set to open or close the call waiting feature, when multiple calls to maintain and when to call this function must be activated can be 
realized, the realization of the specific needs of network support.   
   call transfer: is a network function, you need to network operators to apply for this business in order to use the following functions. This 
feature can meet the conditions of the call transfer to your designated phone number on another. 
Name Specifications 
Unconditional transfer 
network will be unconditionally transfer all of your calls 
transfer when can’t contact 
when the network can not be found when your phone (off or out of service area), the 
network will transfer your call   
non-response transfer 
when you phone in a certain period of time did not answer a call, the network will transfer 
your call   
When busy, transfer call 
network will transfer your call when you are on call 
Need to transfer all the data 
network support calls   
abolition of the transfer 
Cancel all transfer call. 
call restrictions: 
1. All calls: prohibit all outgoing calls.   
2. International call: Prohibition of making international calls.   
3. international excursive domestic: in foreign countries can only call the telephone number of the country and national (that is, your service 
provider for the country) the telephone number.   
Calls prohibited   
1. A ban on all phones   
2. To prohibit all roaming calls   
The abolition of restrictions: the abolition of all restrictions on the call or call   
Change Password: replacement of the original Old Password   
line switch: Select line 1 or line 2.
  close group: The required network support functions, the details may consult the local network operator.