Innokas Yhtyma Oy VC150 ユーザーズマニュアル

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VC150 Vital Signs Monitor
Exergen temperature: Patent information
Patent information
Exergen patents
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Unable to take a 
measurement from 
the patient’s 
The patient has bandages or 
pressure dressings covering the 
forehead or abrasions, burns, or 
sweat on the forehead.
Use alternate measurement sites:
• If accessible and dry, measure on the area behind 
the earlobe only.
If the temporal artery (TA) area has been 
traumatized by burns or lacerations, is 
completely covered with dressings, or the 
head has suffered surgical or accidental 
trauma, the temperature can be obtained 
from the alternative site behind the earlobe. 
As with diaphoresis, the perfusion will be high 
in the presence of head trauma.
Behind the earlobe is the alternate site 
because sweat causes evaporative cooling of 
the skin on the forehead and may produce a 
false low reading. During diaphoresis, the area 
on the head behind the earlobe will always 
exhibit the high blood flow necessary for the 
arterial measurement.
Measurement behind the earlobe is not the 
sole recommended area because the arterial 
branch is deeper behind the earlobe than at 
the temple, and under normal conditions it is 
less accurate because of its variability. But 
under diaphoretic conditions, the blood flow 
behind the earlobe is as high as at the TA, 
making it as accurate as the TA, but only 
during diaphoresis or with head trauma as 
previously mentioned.
• If the temporal artery or the area behind the earlobe 
is not accessible and dry, choose one of the 
following alternate temperature measurement sites:
Femoral artery: scan across the femoral 
artery following the crease in the groin.
Lateral thoracic artery: slowly scan side-to-
side in the area, midway between the axilla 
and the waist. Mainly used for children.