Bruker Optik GmbH BRAVO-01 ユーザーズマニュアル

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BRAVO Analyzer - User Manual
Safety 1
Possible hazardous sample materials
There can also be hazards caused by the sample material. Depending on the type of
hazardous substances you analyze, you have to observe specific substance-relevant
safety instructions. Affix the corresponding warning label on the appropriate BRAVO
position. The label must be well legible and permanently discernible. The following list
contains some examples of hazardous substances:
➣ Important note: In case you have analyzed substances which are dangerous to
health you have to decontaminate the BRAVO analyzer completely before you
return it to Bruker for repair purposes. In addition, you have to add a declaration with
which you confirm that the BRAVO analyzer is completely free of any hazardous
substances. See chapter 6.
Waste disposal
Dispose all waste produced (chemicals, infectious and radioactively contaminated sub-
stances etc.) according to the prevailing laboratory regulations. Detergents and cleaning
agents must be disposed according to the special waste regulations.
Infectious material
This warning symbol indicates the possible existence of biologically
dangerous and infectious material. When working with this kind of
material always observe the prevailing laboratory safety regulations
and take necessary precautions and disinfection measures (e.g. wear-
ing protective clothing, masks, gloves etc.). Non-observance may
cause severe personal injury or even death.
For information on how to use, dilute and efficiently apply disinfectants,
refer to the Laboratory Biosafety Manual: 2004 by WHO - World Health
Radioactive material
This warning symbol indicates the possible existence of radioactivity.
When working with radioactive material always observe the safety reg-
ulations and take necessary protective measures. Wear protective
clothing, e.g. masks and gloves. Non-observance may cause severe
personal injury or even death. 
Corrosive substances
This warning symbol indicates the possible existence of corrosive sub-
stances. When working with corrosive substances always observe the
laboratory safety regulations, and take protective measures (e.g. wear
protective masks and gloves). Non-observance may cause severe per-
sonal injury or even death. 
Draft version