Adobe 5.5 Design Premium 65153022 ユーザーズマニュアル

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Adobe Creative Suite 5.5 Design Premium 
What’s New
Expanded platform and device support in Flash Professional CS5.5
Flash Professional CS5.5 makes it easier to reach audiences on the latest Flash Platform runtimes, 
including Flash Player 10.2 and Adobe AIR 2.6; you can also reach audiences on Android™, 
BlackBerry, iOS,webOS, and Adobe Digital Home devices.
•  Deliver to desktop computers. Take advantage of the ubiquity of Adobe Flash Player within 
browsers and of Adobe AIR® on desktops to deliver content that displays more consistently across 
operating systems and browsers. 
•  Deliver to mobile devices. Deliver content that plays back on millions of devices worldwide, and 
reach audiences on smartphones that run Android and webOS. Use the Adobe AIR for iOS 
Support tool, included with Flash Professional CS5.5, to compile ActionScript® bytecode into 
native iPhone application code, which can be distributed via the iTunes store.
•  Deliver to tablets. Produce immersive content optimized for tablet devices. Take advantage of 
touch input and gesture-based actions that enhance readers’ experience. 
•  Deliver to Internet-enabled televisions. Extend the reach of your content with immersive 
experiences and applications that run on Adobe AIR 2.5 and Adobe Digital Home.
New templates, including those for AIR for Android, are available from the New From Template dialog box in Flash 
Professional CS5.5.
Greater precision and more creative options for interaction design in 
Flash Catalyst CS5.5
Preparing content that displays optimally on screens of different sizes and resolutions is a continual 
challenge for designers. Flash Catalyst now enables you to deliver layouts that specify how objects 
respond when the application window is resized. Using on-object controls, you can specify how 
each object will move or stretch, and then preview the results by resizing the artboard directly 
within Flash Catalyst.
For designers who want to choreograph their own transitions between states, new animation options 
such as transformation point controls, auto-reverse, and font sizes within filter effects provide precise 
control. You can also save and reapply your custom transitions across effects and objects.
What is Flash Catalyst?
Leverage your skill with Photoshop,
Illustrator, or Fireworks to trans-
form static artwork into expressive,
interactive content for the web, or
rapidly prototype user interfaces
for websites and applications—all
without writing code.
Design simple projects, such as an
interactive portfolio site or product
brochure, that you can complete
yourself in SWF format. Begin by
importing a design comp created in
Photoshop, Illustrator, or Fireworks
into your Flash Catalyst project.
Use easy-to-understand menu
commands to convert individual
elements into functional interac-
tive components such as buttons,
sliders, and scroll bars. When you’re
finished polishing your interactive
content, you can add it to web pages,
embed it in a PDF file, or run it as a
self-contained Adobe AIR application
directly on the desktop.
To tackle more complex projects,
such as building out application logic
or linking to back-end services or
data, use Flash Builder 4.5 to collabo-
rate with your developer.
Subject to Apple’s current requirements and approval.