Adobe 5.5 Design Premium 65153024 ユーザーズマニュアル

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Adobe Creative Suite 5.5 Design Premium 
What’s New
•  Save time and improve consistency by using styles to automate text formatting. Now you can
map paragraph and character styles directly to HTML, EPUB, and PDF tags to help ensure that 
styles you define in InDesign are correctly exported to the appropriate specifications. Drop caps, 
bulleted and numbered lists, and tables are handled automatically, and other text formatting 
appears as desired in exported documents. For more advanced workflows, you can add CSS class 
names and enter your own tags.
•  Use the new Articles panel to provide a coherent reading experience when you export a complex
layout—for example, a textbook or children’s picture book—that includes a variety of elements 
such as images, captions, sidebars, and block quotes. Drag layout elements into the Articles panel 
to define the order in which they’ll export—without rearranging your InDesign layout.
Increased efficiency for delivering more accessible publications in 
InDesign CS5.5
Use enhanced features in InDesign CS5.5 and Acrobat X Pro to help you deliver publications that 
meet Section 508 and WCAG 2.0 standards and improve accessibility for people with disabilities. In 
InDesign, apply features such as high-contrast colors and large-type display more easily, and more 
easily add, edit, and view alt text attributes associated with an image or object. For example, instead 
of creating new alt text, use alt text added to an image in Adobe Bridge or attached to an object 
imported from Microsoft Word. Also use the new Object Export Options dialog box to more easily 
add alt text directly in InDesign. When you’ve completed the accessible layout in InDesign, export it 
in PDF and then check, adjust, and validate it in Acrobat X Pro.
You can map styles to HTML, EPUB, or 
PDF tags in the Export Tagging pane of 
the Paragraph Style Options and 
Character Style Options dialog boxes. 
Though the tags don't affect the 
appearance of the layout in InDesign 
(upper far right, in color), they're 
mapped to the correct specifications 
when you export HTML, EPUB, or PDF 
documents for display in Adobe Digital 
Editions (upper right, in black and white).
Drag content from your 
InDesign layout (right)—
including images, threaded text, 
or separate text blocks such as 
captions and block quotes—
into the Articles panel (above). 
Then drag them so that they 
appear in a logical reading 
sequence when exported.