Wiley 3D for iPhone Apps with Blender and SIO2 978-0-470-57492-8 ユーザーズマニュアル

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  Chapter 1: Getting Started with 3D Development for the iPhone
Throughout most of this book, I won’t assume that you have iPhone Developer 
Program membership. The majority of examples in this book can be run on the iPhone 
simulator. A few features of the hardware are not present in the simulator, such as the 
accelerometer, which recognizes changes in the angle at which the device is being held. 
Any places in this book that deal with such functionality will be clearly indicated. If 
you’re new to iPhone development, I recommend that you begin with the simulator. 
It’s free to download, and you can get a good sense of what’s involved in programming 
for the iPhone platform. Once you’ve decided to get serious, you can spring for the full 
iPhone Developer Program membership.
Installing the iPhone SDK will install Xcode, the iPhone simulator, Interface Builder, 
and some other tools on your computer. The installation should be straightforward 
and self-explanatory. There’s a ton of documentation available on the Apple Developer 
Connection website, and you’ll definitely want to delve into it.
Getting Blender
A great thing about mature, user-oriented free software like Blender is the relative ease 
with which you can download and install it. This book was written to correspond with 
Blender 2.49, which is the Blender version supported by SIO2 version 1.4.
You can download this version of Blender from the official Blender website. Since the 
latest Blender version may have changed by the time you read this, please download the 
software for OS X from the 2.49 archive page at 
Blender should run straight “out of the box.” Clicking the Blender application’s icon 
should open a session. If you’re new to Blender, now might be a good time to run through 
Appendix A on the basics of working with it. There are tons of tutorials online as well as a 
growing number of books available covering a variety of specific topics. Obviously, if you 
plan to create 3D content in Blender, you’re going to want to become as skilled as possible 
in working with the software.
A Python installation is also required, but you shouldn’t have to worry about this 
because Python 2.5 is installed by default in Leopard.
In OS X, Blender-Python output and errors are displayed in the Console. To read any 
errors or output from Python scripts, you can run Console (
) before starting up Blender.
Getting SIO2
The centerpiece of this book is the SIO2 engine. SIO2 is a set of software tools for exporting 
3D assets from Blender and accessing them from within the Xcode development environ-
ment for inclusion in iPhone apps. This book was written to correspond to SIO2 version 1.4. 
The software is regularly updated and the released version changes regularly, but the version 
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