IBM HX5 7873H2U データシート

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IBM BladeCenter HX5 at a glance
Form factor/height
Processor (max)
Number of processors (std/max)
Cache (max)
Memory (max)
Expansion slots 
Disk bays (total/hot swap)
Maximum internal storage
Network interface 
RAID support 
Systems management 
Operating systems 
Singlewide (30 mm) – double-wide 
(60 mm)
Intel® Xeon® E7-4800 and 
E7-2800 processors; 6/8/10 cores, 
up to 2.67 GHz
Up to 2 processors per single-wide HX5;
scalable to 4 processors
1/2 (scalable to 4)
Up to 30 MB per processor (10 core)
16 DDR-3 VLP DIMM slots, capacity 
up to 256 GB, per single-wide HX5 
(scalable up to 640 GB max, at speeds
up to 1067 MHz, via 40 DIMM slots,
using a MAX5 expansion blade)
1 CIOv slot (standard PCIe daughter
card) and 1 CFFh slot (high-speed PCIe
daughter card) for total of 8 ports of I/O
to each blade, including 4 ports of 
high-speed I/O
Scalable up to 16 ports of I/O in 
4-socket, double-wide form factor
2 non-hot-swap bays supporting solid-
state drives per single-wide HX5
Up to 100 GB of solid-state storage per
single-wide HX5 (with 50 GB SSDs)
Broadcom 5709S onboard NIC with dual
Gigabit Ethernet ports with TOE
Optional RAID-0, -1, -1E
Integrated systems management 
Microsoft® Windows®, Red Hat Linux®,
SUSE Linux, VMware
Limited warranty
3-year customer replaceable unit and 
on-site limited warranty
Copyright IBM Corporation 2011
IBM Systems and Technology Group
Route 100
Somers, New York 10589
Produced in the United States of America
April 2011
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