Bachmann 1x HDMI Keystone 918.040 ユーザーズマニュアル

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Complete catalogue 2012/13
Bachmann makes connections. To ensure that power and data are available 
right where you need them. For industrial, commercial and home applications, 
in offices and training rooms, on desks and on conference tables. Bachmann 
facility and IT systems are flexible enough that you can modify them at any 
time to suit future power or data management needs. And with Bachmann’s 
up-to-the-minute range of electrical components you can be sure of satisfying 
even your customers' more unusual electrical and electronics requirements.
Consider, for example, energy management optimisation and the efficient use 
of energy. Day after day our technical specialists help you tap into new scope 
for energy efficiency with the aid of intelligent new products. Discuss your 
projects with us if you would like to improve your connections.
We will be there from the initial in-depth consultation, supply you with 
components and modules ready for installation and assist you in planning 
and developing your specific solutions. And we will use every opportunity to 
exceed your expectations of us and our systems.
We look forward to making the best connections for you – and with you.
one of Bachmann’s primary objectives is to deliver innovative products to help our customers achieve 
long-term success. For this reason we exploit all the possibilities offered by professional engineering 
and modern process management to develop our standardised and customised systems and products.
Bachmann International.
Build on the best connections.
Quality at all levels
Do not be satisfied until you have the optimum 
solution. A philosophy that applies at every level of 
our company and that is consistently deployed by 
all our employees.
The result: products to match the best on the 
world’s markets, outside and inside.
This is also evident from our certification to  
DIN EN ISO 9001:2000.