ZyXEL Prestige 202H Plus ISDN Router 91-003-154001B ユーザーズマニュアル

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P-202H Plus v2 User’s Guide
Chapter 22 Dial-in Setup
Figure 107   Testing Callback With Your Connection
22.7.2  Configuring With CLID in LAN-to-LAN Application 
The only difference between callback with CLID (Calling Line Identification) and callback 
described above is that you do not pay for the first call, i.e., when the ZyXEL Device on LAN 
1 calls the ZyXEL Device on LAN 2. The ZyXEL Device (LAN 2) looks at the ISDN D-
channel and verifies that the calling number corresponds with that configured in menu 11. If 
they do, the ZyXEL Device (LAN 2) hangs up and calls the ZyXEL Device on LAN 1 back.
ZyXEL Device on LAN 2
Figure 108   Callback With CLID Configuration
Start dialing for node <LAN_2>
### Hit any key to continue.###
$$$ DIALING dev=2 ch=0
$$$ OUTGOING-CALL phone(123)
$$$ CALL CONNECT speed<64000> type<2> chan<0>
$$$ LCP opened
$$$ PAP sending user/pswd
$$$ LCP closed
$$$ Recv'd TERM-REQ
$$$ Recv'd TERM-ACK state 4
$$$ LCP stopped
$$$ ANSWER CONNECTED ch=7743bc
$$$ LCP opened
$$$ IPCP negotiation started
$$$ IPCP opened
                   Menu 11.1 - Remote Node Profile
Rem Node Name= LAN1                  Edit PPP Options= No
Active= Yes                          Rem IP Addr=
Call Direction= Both                 Edit IP= No
Incoming:                            Telco Option:
  Rem Login= lan1                      Transfer Type= 64K
  Rem Password= *******                Allocated Budget(min)= 0
  Rem CLID=                              Period(hr)= 0
  Call Back= Yes                       Schedules=
Outgoing:                              Carrier Access Code=
  My Login= lan2                       Nailed-Up Connection= N/A
   y Password= ********                Toll Period(sec)= 0
  Authen= CHAP/PAP                   Session Options:
  Pri Phone #= 456                     Edit Filter Sets= No
  Sec Phone #=                         Idle Timeout(sec)= 100
               Press ENTER to Confirm or ESC to Cancel: