Intel G1620T CM8063701448300 ユーザーズマニュアル

ページ / 1272
Processor Core
Guest Preemption Timer
— Mechanism for a VMM to preempt the execution of a guest OS VM after an 
amount of time specified by the VMM. The VMM sets a timer value before 
entering a guest.
— The feature aids VMM developers in flexibility and Quality of Service (QoS) 
guarantees flexibility in guest VM scheduling and building Quality of Service 
(QoS) schemes
Descriptor-Table Exiting
— Descriptor-table exiting allows a VMM to protect a guest OS from internal 
(malicious software based) attack by preventing relocation of key system data 
structures like IDT (interrupt descriptor table), GDT (global descriptor table), 
LDT (local descriptor table), and TSS (task segment selector)
— A VMM using this feature can intercept (by a VM exit) attempts to relocate these 
data structures and prevent them from being tampered by malicious software
VM Functions
— A VM function is an operation provided by the processor that can be invoked 
using the VMFUNC instruction from guest VM without a VM exit
— A VM function to perform EPTP switching is supported and allows guest VM to 
load a new value for the EPT pointer, thereby establishing a different EPT paging 
structure hierarchy
Security and Cryptography Technologies
PCLMULQDQ Instruction 
The processor supports the carry-less multiplication instruction, PCLMULQDQ. 
PCLMULQDQ is a Single Instruction Multiple Data (SIMD) instruction that computes the 
128-bit carry-less multiplication of two, 64-bit operands without generating and 
propagating carries. Carry-less multiplication is an essential processing component of 
several cryptographic systems and standards. Hence, accelerating carry-less 
multiplication can significantly contribute to achieving high speed secure computing 
and communication.
Digital Random Number Generator
The processor introduces a software visible digital random number generation 
mechanism supported by a high quality entropy source. This capability is available to 
programmers through the new RDRAND instruction. The resultant random number 
generation capability is designed to comply with existing industry standards (ANSI 
X9.82 and NIST SP 800-90).
Some possible uses of the new RDRAND instruction include cryptographic key 
generation as used in a variety of applications including communication, digital 
signatures, secure storage, etc.