Defender 21031 ユーザーズマニュアル

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The USERS Tab allows for you to setup 7 different users on the DVR. You can also customize their username, password, 
and permission levels. Permission levels include the ability to change settings, view cameras, and footage. 
Password and Permission Setup
The default username is admin and the default password is 123456.
Setting the AdMiN PASSword: 
1.    Click the box below SEL in the No. 1 line. It should be set to 
ADMIN by default.
2.  Click the EDIT button and a box will appear.
3.    Click the USERNAME box , a keyboard will appear, change the  
        username. Click ENTER once complete.
4.  To enable password protection, click the box next to PASSWORD 
ENABLE and select ENABLE.
5.  Click the PASSWORD box , a keyboard will appear, change the 
password. Click ENTER once complete.
6.  Click the CONFIRM box and re-enter your password. Click ENTER 
once complete.
7.  Select  APPLY to save your changes.
Enabling uSEr Profiles: 
1.  Click the box below SEL next to one of the Users (No. 2-7).
2.  Click the EDIT button and a box will appear.
3.  Click the USERNAME box , a keyboard will appear, create/change the username. Click ENTER once complete.
4.  To enable password protection, click the box next to PASSWORD ENABLE and select ENABLE.
5.  Click the PASSWORD box,  create/change the password. Click ENTER once complete.
6.  Click the CONFIRM box and re-enter your password. Click ENTER once complete
7. Select APPLY to save your changes. 
Enabling user PErMiSSioN LEvELS: 
1.  Click the box below SEL next to one of the Users (No. 2-7).
2.  Click the PERMISSION button.
3.  Select the boxes beside the permissions you want to allow that user to have access to.
4.  Select  the boxes next to BACKUP, LIVE, PLAYBACK, and PTZ as well as the camera channels you want to allow that 
user to have access to.
5.  You can also press the ALL button for the user to have all permissions, or CLEAR to delete all of the permissions.
6. Select  APPLY to save your changes.