Gepco MP1022 MP1022-0.99 ユーザーズマニュアル

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As production standards for television and film have 
evolved, Gepco's product lines have evolved as well. The 
recent introductions of digital and High Definition 
television have only continued to raise standards, 
which Gepco has met with innovative triax and 
hybrid fiber product development.
Gepco triax cable for video cameras has 
been the leading choice for 
broadcasters and video production 
companies for almost two decades 
and have become well-regarded 
due to their dependability and 
precision electrical performance.  
For significantly more 
c h a l l e n g i n g   H D T V  
requirements, Gepco 
developed its lines of 
hybrid fiber optic camera 
cables to provide reliable 
interconnect solutions for 
the demanding nature 
of high data-rate 
uncompressed HD 
video.  Both series of 
products have been 
designed in a 
m u l t i t u d e   o f  
configurations that 
range from portable 
to permanent 
installation versions, 
enabling use in 
a l m o s t   a n y  
Gepco International  
P. 847
.795.9555  F
. 847
.795.8770  www
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