Microsoft Navision 4.0, SP1, SER, MVL, CD 271-01849 ユーザーズマニュアル

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M I C R O S O F T   B U S I N E S S   S O L U T I O N S – N A V I S I O N   4 . 0
When you invest in a major business
solution, you need to know that the company
behind it will be there to take care of you.
Business Solutions has a long
history of leadership in creating business
management solutions that streamline your
important business processes and help you
achieve success by making smarter, faster
decisions. All of our products are backed by
the finest support and services in the
industry, so you can have peace of mind.
R E L E A S E   4 . 0   E N H A N C E M E N T S   I N C L U D E :
The key enhancements in Microsoft Navision 4.0 are focused
on the following:
• Improving user experience
• Simplicity and productivity
• Financial Management
• Business Analytics
• Manufacturing Foundation
Please see the following for details of new functionality but
note that this brochure covers areas within Microsoft
Navision where there have been major enhancements. It
does not provide a complete overview of the entire offering
of the solution.