Testboy TV 455VDE-tester Testboy TV 455 ユーザーズマニュアル

Testboy TV 455
ページ / 24
Start-up guide 
Message field – battery status 
Battery capacity indication. 
Low battery. 
Battery is too weak to guarantee correct result. Replace or 
recharge the battery cells. 
Recharging in progress (if power supply adapter is connected). 
Message field – measurement warnings/messages 
Warning! High voltage is applied to the test terminals. 
Warning! Phase voltage on the PE terminal! Stop all the 
measurements immediately and eliminate the fault before 
proceeding with any activity! 
Measurement is running. Consider any displayed warnings! 
Measurement can be performed after pressing the TEST key. 
Consider any displayed warning after starting the measurement! 
Measurement prohibited. Consider any displayed warnings and 
check online voltage/terminal monitor! 
Result(s) can be stored. 
High electrical noise was detected during measurement. Results may 
be impaired. 
RCD tripped during the measurement. The trip limit may be exceeded 
as a result of leakage current flowing to the PE protective 
conductor or capacitive connection between L and PE conductors. 
Instrument overheated. Temperature of internal components 
in the instrument reached top limit. Measurement is prohibited 
until the temperature is lower then that limit. 
High resistance to earth of test probes. Results may be impaired 
TESTBOY TV 450 (Type B) 
Result field 
Measurement result is inside pre-set limits (PASS). 
Measurement result is out of pre-set limits (FAIL). 
Measurement is aborted. Consider displayed warnings and messages. 
Sound warnings 
Warning! Dangerous voltage on the PE terminal is detected.