Atmel Xplained Evaluation Board ATXMEGAA3BU-XPLD ATXMEGAA3BU-XPLD データシート

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Atmel AVR1935
3 Quick-start 
To be able to run the preprogrammed code, you need to connect the Atmel AVR 
XMEGA-A3BU Xplained evaluation kit with a USB cable (standard A to mini-B or mini 
AB) to a PC or USB hub. Once the kit is powered it is possible to browse the menu 
system with the on-board mechanical buttons and the touch button. The functions for 
the buttons are: 
•  Top left mechanical button (SW0): Enter a menu 
•  Bottom left touch button (QTB0): Return from a menu 
•  Top right mechanical button (SW1): Browse the menu up 
•  Bottom right mechanical button (SW2): Browse the menu down 
The demo application allows also the XMEGA-A3BU Xplained board to communicate 
with a computer using USB with a CDC (Communications Device Class) setup, 
allowing the keyboard to be used to navigate in the demo application. When the 
XMEGA-A3BU Xplained board is connected for the first time, Windows will try to 
install a driver for “Virtual CDC Com”. A driver file, XPLAINED_Virtual_Com_Port.inf, 
is located in the demo application directory or can be downloaded from the Atmel 
web-site (
). If the driver is successfully installed, 
the board will show up in the Device Manager under Ports (XPLAINED Virtual Com 
Port (COM**)). This COM port can now be interfaced with your favorite terminal 
software. The connection parameters are as follows: 
•  Baud rate: 115200 baud 
•  Data bits: 8 
• Parity: 
•  Stop bits: 1 
•  Flow control: None 
If the connection has been successfully established, you should be greeted by this 
text on the screen of your terminal: 
Welcome to the XMEGA-A3BU Xplained Demo CDC interface! 
Key bindings for LCD menu control: 
    Enter       : Enter 
    Backspace   : Back 
    Arrow Up    : Up Arrow 
    Arrow Down   : Down Arrow 
The demo application for the XMEGA-A3BU Xplained is available through the Atmel 
AVR Software Framework (ASF), version 2.6.0 or later. The demo application is 
available as an example project in AVR Studio
 5 and can be accessed by clicking 
File -> New -> Example Project, and selecting “Demo application for XMEGA-A3BU 
Xplained”. In-depth documentation for the demo application is available in the 
XMEGA-A3BU Xplained Software User Guide. 
To modify the example code or write new code and compile it, you need a toolchain 
for the Atmel AVR microcontrollers and an IDE to edit and debug code. Atmel 
provides both with Studio 5. More information about all available documentation and 
tools is available in the chapter