Atmel XMEGA-A1 Xplained Evaluation Board ATAVRXPLAIN ATAVRXPLAIN データシート

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Note that the GPIO registers are defined as volatile, so temporary variables should in 
some cases be used when manipulating variables stored in these registers: 
Otherwise, the performance gain will be lost. 
Use the General Purpose I/O registers for variable storage to minimize power 
2.12 Watchdog 
The Watchdog is basically a timer with a separate clock source. It will, if enabled, 
contribute to the power consumption in sleep. The watchdog can only be clocked by 
the internal 32kHz Ultra Low Power (ULP) oscillator, prescaled to 1kHz. 
To minimize the power consumption, disable the Watchdog. 
2.13 Brown Out Detector 
The purpose of the Brown Out Detector (BOD) is to ensure that the device is not 
operating at a too low voltage. It is highly recommended to use the internal BOD to 
ensure that the device always operates within specification. 
However, during sleep the device is “not operating”, or rather, it is not executing code. 
For this reason, the BOD can be configured separately for ACTIVE/IDLE and sleep 
modes. This allows for the BOD to be enabled only in ACTIVE and IDLE mode. All 
configuration of the BOD is done with the device fuses. 
To further reduce power consumption, the BOD may be run in sampled mode. The 
sample rate is approximately 1kHz, as it is clocked from the prescaled ULP oscillator. 
The BOD cannot detect voltage dips between samples in this mode, so it should only 
be used in applications with slowly varying operating voltages, such as battery-
powered ones. 
Disable the BOD - or better, disable it while in sleep - to reduce power consumption. 
Use sampled mode if only slow changes in operating voltage are likely. 
2.14 JTAG interface and On-Chip Debugging 
The JTAG interface is used for programming and debugging, but has no function 
during operation of an end-product. It is clocked and active during sleep if the On-chip 
Debugging (OCD) feature is enabled. The OCD and JTAG interface should therefore 
be disabled if it is not needed. 
The OCD can be disabled in fuses, while the JTAG interface can be disabled both in 
fuses and in software. Disabling the JTAG in software ensures that the device can be 
reprogrammed because the JTAG interface is re-enabled upon RESET. 
Alternatively, the PDI interface can be used for programming and debugging. In this 
case the JTAG interface may not be required at all, and may be disabled by fuses. 
The PDI interface also works in all sleep modes. 
To minimize power consumption, disable the OCD and the JTAG interface. 
2.15 Flash and EEPROM Power Reduction Modes 
With the Atmel
 NVM (Non-Volatile Memory) controller, it is possible 
to enable power reduction modes for the EEPROM and Flash. In these modes, the 
EEPROM and the currently unused section of Flash (i.e., application or boot section)