Mikroelektronika MIKROE-350 データシート

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Note: Not all of the MCUs have both PWM and PWM1 library included. Sometimes, like its the
case with ATmega8515, MCU has only PWM library. Therefore constants that have in their
name PWM1 are invalid (for ATmega8515) and will not be visible from Code Assistant. It is
highly advisable to use this feature, since it handles all the constants (available) nad eliminates
any chance of typing error.
mikroBasic PRO for AVR
Sets prescaler value to 256.
Sets prescaler value to 1024.
Sets prescaler value to 1 on second PWM library (if it
exists in Library Manager).
Sets prescaler value to 8 on second PWM library (if it
exists in Library Manager).
Sets prescaler value to 32 on second PWM library (if it
exists in Library Manager). This value is not available
on every MCU. Please use Code Assistant to see if this
value is available for the given MCU.
Sets prescaler value to 64 on second PWM library (if it
exists in Library Manager).
Sets prescaler value to 128 on second PWM library (if it
exists in Library Manager). This value is not available
on every MCU. Please use Code Assistant to see if this
value is available for the given MCU.
Sets prescaler value to 256 on second PWM library (if it
exists in Library Manager).
Sets prescaler value to 1024 on second PWM library (if
it exists in Library Manager).
Selects the inverted PWM mode.
Selects the inverted PWM mode on second PWM
library (if it exists in Library Manager).
Selects the normal (non inverted) PWM mode.
Selects the normal (non inverted) PWM mode on sec-
ond PWM library (if it exists in Library Manager).