Mikroelektronika MIKROE-724 データシート

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mikoBasic PRO for dsPIC30/33 and PIC24
mikroBasic PRO for dsPIC30/33 and PIC24 IDE
IDE Overview
The mikroBasic PRO for dsPIC30/33 and PIC24 is an user-friendly and intuitive environment.
For a detailed information on a certain part of IDE, simply click on it (hovering a mouse cursor above a desired IDE part 
will pop-up its name):
- The Code Editor features adjustable Syntax Highlighting, Code Folding, Code Assistant, Parameters Assistant, Spell    
   Checker, Auto Correct for common typos and Code Templates (Auto Complete). 
- The Code Explorer is at your disposal for easier project management. 
- The Project Manager alows multiple project management 
- General project settings can be made in the Project Settings window 
- Library manager enables simple handling libraries being used in a project 
- The Messages Window displays all information, messages and errors detected during compiling and linking. 
- The source-level Software Simulator lets you debug executable logic step-by-step by watching the program flow. 
- The New Project Wizard is a fast, reliable, and easy way to create a project. 
- Help files are syntax and context sensitive. 
- Like in any modern Windows application, you may customize the layout of mikroBasic PRO for dsPIC30/33 and  
  PIC24 to suit your needs best. 
- Spell checker underlines identifiers which are unknown to the project. In this way it helps the programmer to spot  
  potential problems early, much before the project is compiled. 
- Spell checker can be disabled by choosing the option in the Preferences dialog (F12).