ECX Brushed 1:10 RC model car Electric Monster ECX03023 ユーザーズマニュアル

ページ / 18
Possible Cause
Short Run Time
• Battery damaged/not charged
• Motor dirty or brushes worn
• Check/change battery
• Check/clean/replace
Sluggish Action
• Motor dirty or brushes worn
• Bind in drivetrain 
• Vehicle battery is not charged
• Check/clean/replace
• Clean/adjust
• Replace/recharge
Controls Reversed
• ST. REV or TH. REV
• Change switch position
Motor/ESC overheat
• Over-geared for the driving environment
• Install smaller pinion
Doesn’t Operate
• Transmitter batteries low
• Transmitter powered off
• ESC powered off
• Vehicle battery is not charged
• Replace/recharge
• Power On
• Power On
• Replace/recharge
Poor Range
• Transmitter batteries low
• Transmitter antenna is damaged or loose
• Receiver antenna damaged
• Replace/recharge
• Check/tighten
• Check/repair/replace
The system will not 
•  Transmitter and receiver too near each other
•  Transmitter and receiver too near large 
metal objects (vehicles, etc.)
•  Receiver accidentally put in bind mode so 
receiver is no longer bound
• Move transmitter 8–12 feet (2.4–3.6m) from 
• Move away from large metal objects (vehicles, etc.)
• Rebind transmitter and receiver
The receiver goes into 
failsafe mode a short 
distance away from the 
•  Check the receiver antenna to be sure it is 
not cut or damaged
• Contact Horizon Product Support
•  Make sure receiver antenna is in an antenna tube 
and is above vehicle
The receiver quits re-
sponding during operation
• Low battery voltage
•  Loose or damaged wires or connectors 
between battery and receiver
• Completely recharge battery
•  Do a check of the wires and connection between 
battery and receiver. Repair or replace wires and/
or connectors
Receiver loses its bind
•  Transmitter accidentally put in bind mode, 
ending bind to receiver
• Bind transmitter to receiver
Binding is the process of programming the receiver to recognize 
the GUID (Globally Unique Identifi er) code of a single specifi c 
transmitter. The DX2E and SR201 are bound at the factory. If you 
need to rebind, follow the instructions below.
1.  With the receiver off, insert the bind plug into the BIND port 
on the receiver.
2. Power the receiver through any other port. The orange LED 
will flash continuously, indicating the receiver is in bind mode.
3. With the steering wheel and throttle trigger in the failsafe 
positions, normally full brakes and straight steering (see the 
Failsafe section on this page for more information), press and 
hold the bind button and turn on the transmitter. The green 
LED on the front of the transmitter will flash within three 
seconds, indicating the transmitter is in bind mode. 
4. Release the bind button when the green LED flashes. 
Continue to hold the steering wheel and throttle trigger in the 
failsafe positions until the LED on the receiver glows solid.
5. The LED on the receiver will glow solid when the transmitter 
and receiver are bound.
6. Remove the bind plug and store it in a convenient place. 
You must rebind when:
•  Different failsafe positions are desired e.g., when throttle or 
steering reversing has been changed. 
•  Changing receiver types e.g., changing from a DSM
to a DSM2
 or Marine receiver.
•  Binding the receiver to a different transmitter.
Some Spektrum receivers, like the SR3001, use a bind button 
rather than a bind plug. The binding process is the same with this 
receiver, however, instead of inserting the plug before powering up 
the receiver, press and hold the bind button while powering up the 
receiver to enter bind mode.
In the unlikely event that the radio link is lost during use, the 
receiver will drive the servos to their preprogrammed failsafe 
positions (normally full brakes and straight steering). If the receiver 
is turned on prior to turning on the transmitter, the receiver will 
enter failsafe mode, driving the servos to their preset failsafe 
positions. When the transmitter is turned on, normal control is 
resumed. Failsafe servo positions are set during binding (see 
binding a receiver above).
Bind Button