Intel E3815 FH8065301567411 データシート

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Low Power Engine (LPE) for Audio (I
 Atom™ Processor E3800 Product Family
must always be 32 bits wide. The CPU Writes to the FIFOs are 32 bits wide, but the 
serializing logic will ignore all bits beyond the programmed FIFO data size (EDSS/DSS 
value). CPU Reads to the FIFOs are also 32 bits wide, but the Receive data written into 
the RX FIFO (from the RXD line) is stored with zeroes in the MSBs down to the 
programmed data size. The FIFOs can also be accessed by DMA bursts, which must be 
in multiples of 1, 2, or 4 bytes, depending upon the EDSS value, and must also transfer 
one FIFO entry per access. When the SSCR0.EDSS bit is set, DMA bursts must be in 
multiples of 4 bytes (the DMA must have the Enhanced SSP configured as a 32-bit 
peripheral). The DMA DCMD.width register must be at least the SSP data size 
programmed into the SSP control registers EDSS and DSS. The FIFO is seen as one 32-
bit location by the processor. For Writes, the Enhanced SSP port takes the data from 
the Transmit FIFO, serializes it, and sends it over the serial wire (I2Sx_DATAOUT) to 
the external peripheral. Receive data from the external peripheral (on I2Sx_DATAIN) is 
converted to parallel words and stored in the Receive FIFO.
A programmable FIFO trigger threshold, when exceeded, generates an Interrupt or 
DMA service request that, if enabled, signals the IA-32 CPU or DMA respectively to 
empty the Receive FIFO or to refill the Transmit FIFO. The Transmit and Receive FIFOs 
are differentiated by whether the access is a Read or a Write transfer. Reads 
automatically target the Receive FIFO, while Writes will write data to the Transmit FIFO. 
From a memory-map perspective, they are at the same address. Each read or write is 1 
SSP sample.
PIO and DMA Programming Considerations
All CPU and DMA accesses transfer one FIFO entry per access. Data in the FIFOs is 
always stored with one 32-bit value per data sample, regardless of the format data 
word length. Within each 32-bit field, the stored data sample is right-justified, with the 
least significant bit of the word in bit 0. In the Receive FIFO, unused bits are packed as 
zeroes above the most significant bit. In the Transmit FIFO, unused don’t-care bits are 
above the most significant bit (i.e., DMA and CPU access do not have to write to the 
unused bit locations). Logic in the Enhanced SSP automatically formats data in the 
Transmit FIFO so that the sample is properly transmitted on I2Sx_DATAOUT in the 
selected frame format.
Two separate and independent FIFOs are present for Transmit (to peripheral) and 
Receive (from peripheral) serial data. FIFOs are filled or emptied by programmed I/O or 
DMA bursts.
Programmed IO Considerations
FIFO filling and emptying can be performed by the processor in response to an 
Interrupt from the FIFO logic. Each FIFO has a programmable FIFO trigger threshold at 
which an Interrupt is triggered. When the number of entries in the Receive FIFO 
exceeds the SSCR1.RFT value, an interrupt is generated (if enabled), which signals the 
CPU to empty the Receive FIFO. When the number of entries in the Transmit FIFO is 
less than or equal to the SSCR1.TFT value plus 1, an Interrupt is generated (if 
enabled), which signals the CPU to refill the Transmit FIFO.