Ositech comm 614006-001 ユーザーズマニュアル

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User’s Guide and Reference
4 - 5
The following NDIS keywords are supported by the Trumpcard NDIS
drivers. The keywords must be in the PROTOCOL.INI file under the
section with a DriverName = OTCETH$. If the keyword is not present the
default value shown will be assumed.
MEDIA= <media type>
Description: Media type selected by the driver
Default: AUTO
Accepted Values: BASE2 , BASET, AUTO
If you are using the dual media Trumpcard network PC Card, setting
this keyword to Base2 or BaseT will force that media type connection
only. By default, the driver will try to determine which media is
connected by first trying BaseT and then Base2.
MEM=  <memory location>
Description:  Maps to 4K host memory location
Default: 0xC800
When Card Services is not present (the only scenario in which this
keyword applies), the Trumpcard driver will require the 4K memory
window in order to determine the Trumpcard’s presence. If running a
memory manager (such as EMM386 or QEMM), make sure to exclude
the memory range used, i.e. X=C800-C8FF
Description: Put Trumpcard in LAN only mode
Default: Multi-mode
If the Trumpcard is a multi-function card, specifying this keyword will
disable the other function as long as the network driver is loaded. If
the other function is already in use, the driver will report an error.
Description: Disable link poll mode
Default: Enable link
This keyword is used to disable the Link Test Function on 10BaseT
network connection only.