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NOTE:  Your Beck drive was shipped from the 
factory ready for installation; no electrical 
adjustments are required before placing it in 
operation.  Each drive is set up and calibrated 
to the specifications that were written into 
the equipment order.
Under normal operating conditions there is no 
need to recalibrate the control drive.  However, 
if the application requirements change or are 
different than specified on the equipment order, 
the drive should be recalibrated according to the 
following procedures.
Control drives are shipped with over-travel 
limit switches factory-set for either 101° (11-159, 
-209, -309, -409) or 91° (11-169, -269, -369, 
-469) of travel unless otherwise specified at time 
of order.  Limit switches must be set inside the 
range of the built-in, non-adjustable  mechanical 
stops to prevent stalling of the motor.  Limit 
switches can be reset to limit travel of the output 
shaft to any angle down to a minimum of 60°.  
Auxiliary switches are set as shown in the figure 
at left unless otherwise specified at time of order.
NOTE:  The over-travel limit switches are the 
switches closest to the drive body.  To adjust 
the over-travel limit switches, it is necessary 
to remove the control end cover.
Switches are operated by cams which are 
clamped onto the control shaft.  Setting a switch 
involves loosening the cam, moving the output 
shaft to the desired position, and positioning the 
cam so that it just operates the switch at that point.  
In the following procedure, the use of a continuity 
meter is recommended to determine when the 
switch opens or closes.  If such a meter is not 
available, it is possible to hear the switch click as 
the contacts open and close.
Do not attach the meter or attempt to move the 
switch cams until the drive is disconnected 
from the line voltage and auxiliary switches are 
disconnected from external power sources.
Setting Over-travel Limit
Switches CW and CCW
This procedure should be used if the factory 
over-travel limit switch settings must be changed 
in the field.  It is advisable to operate the drive fully 
in each direction, using the electric Handswitch to 
check switch settings before attempting to change 
them.  Follow these instructions if they require 
Standard Over-travel Limit and
Auxiliary Switch Settings
Calibration - Switches