Barco Nio Fusion 4MP ユーザーズマニュアル

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Graphic board control panel
installed in your system. This information is used by the Barco MIS 
Support team when trying to resolve customer issues.
MediCal QAWeb
Clicking on the QA Web button will launch the MediCal QAWeb 
application. Please refer to the MediCal QAWeb manual for 
information about this application.
Advanced properties for MXRT controller
To access the advanced properties configuration pages for the display 
controller(s) for your B
 4MP Display System, click on the 
Advanced button in the Graphics Device Information section.
There are several pages accessible from the advanced configuration 
button. They are:
• Barco Adapter Configuration
• OpenGL
• Direct3D
• Rotation (when supported)
• Details
• OpenGL Profiles
Barco Adapter Configuration
The Barco Adapter Configuration page allows you to switch between 
the following monitor configurations and display options for the 
displays connected to a Barco MXRT controller:
Display Layout
• DualView
Both displays are enabled independent of each other.
• SingleView
A single large desktop spans across both displays.