Psion Teklogix Schnellstart- Anleitung 7525 ユーザーズマニュアル

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Psion Teklogix WORKABOUT PRO With Windows Mobile 2003 SE User Manual
Chapter 6: Settings
Options Tab
A double-click produces different results depending on whether or not a value is 
assigned in the “Click Data” parameter. When a value is not assigned for the “Click 
Data”, double-clicking the scanner trigger overrides the target dot delay set in the 
“Dot Time” parameter and initiates a normal scan sweep. If a value is assigned for 
the “Click Data” parameter, double-clicking the scanner trigger inserts the “Click 
Data” value rather than initiating a scan.
Click Data
For both integrated and external scanners, this parameter determines which 
character is sent to the application installed in your hand-held following a 
double-click. A dialog box appears, asking that you press the key you want to insert. 
The ASCII/Unicode key value of the keypress is displayed. 
Display Parameters
Scan Result
When this parameter is enabled, the type of bar code and the result of the scan 
appear on the screen. Note that this information is only displayed after a successful 
decode and is visible only while the scanner trigger is pressed. When the trigger is 
released, this information is cleared from the screen.
Scan Indicator
When this parameter is enabled, the laser warning logo appears on the display 
whenever the scanner is activated.
Scan Result Time (sec)
The value assigned to the “Scan Result Time (sec)” parameter determines how long 
the scan results of a successful scan are displayed on the screen. Time is measured in 
seconds, and a value of “0” (zero) disables the parameter. When you choose this 
option, a dialog box appears where you can enter a value.
Note: To remove the scan result from the screen before the “Result Time” has 
expired, point the scanner away from the bar code and press the trigger.
Good Scan Beep And Bad Scan Beep
These parameters determine whether or not the hand-held emits an audible scanner 
‘beep’ when a good (successful) scan or a bad (unsuccessful) scan is performed. Set 
these parameters to either on to enable the beeper or off to disable it.