Prima Games Video Games NCAA08 ユーザーズマニュアル
Getting Started
Playbook Analysis
FBS Teams
FCS Teams
Advanced Strategy
PRIMA Offi cial Game Guide
There’s much more to the sport of
college football than Xs and Os, or
stats and match-ups. It’s also about
heart and spirit—and an unwavering
belief that you can emerge victorious
no matter what the odds and pundits
might dictate.
stats and match-ups. It’s also about
heart and spirit—and an unwavering
belief that you can emerge victorious
no matter what the odds and pundits
might dictate.
The power to become a leader and
inspire your teammates to play at
a higher level is what drives NCAA
Football 08. This year’s all new
Leadership Control lets you lead by
example: Success on the fi eld will in-
crease your teammates’ confi dence
as well as their personal ratings. If
your teammates believe in you, they
a higher level is what drives NCAA
Football 08. This year’s all new
Leadership Control lets you lead by
example: Success on the fi eld will in-
crease your teammates’ confi dence
as well as their personal ratings. If
your teammates believe in you, they
will believe in victory.
No one embodies those qualities
of leadership more than the cover
athlete of NCAA Football 08, former
Boise State University quarterback
and Tostitos Fiesta Bowl MVP Jared
athlete of NCAA Football 08, former
Boise State University quarterback
and Tostitos Fiesta Bowl MVP Jared
Zabransky led Boise State to an un-
defeated record last season, capped
off with a breathtaking 43-42 over-
time victory against Oklahoma at the
Tostitos Fiesta Bowl, which has been
hailed as one of the most exhilarating
games in college football history. In
three seasons as the starting quar-
terback, Zabransky compiled a 33-5
off with a breathtaking 43-42 over-
time victory against Oklahoma at the
Tostitos Fiesta Bowl, which has been
hailed as one of the most exhilarating
games in college football history. In
three seasons as the starting quar-
terback, Zabransky compiled a 33-5
record and was named a semifi nalist
for the Davey O’Brien and Maxwell
Awards this past season.
for the Davey O’Brien and Maxwell
Awards this past season.
“This has been a magical season for
me, and seeing my face on the cover
of NCAA Football 08 is yet another
unforgettable moment in what has al-
ready been a great year,” said Zabran-
sky. “This video game truly embodies
the spirit of college football, and I’m
very proud to be a part of it.”
of NCAA Football 08 is yet another
unforgettable moment in what has al-
ready been a great year,” said Zabran-
sky. “This video game truly embodies
the spirit of college football, and I’m
very proud to be a part of it.”
We hope you enjoy this compre-
hensive strategy guide of the most
complete, most realistic and most
enjoyable college football game ever
made: NCAA Football 08.
complete, most realistic and most
enjoyable college football game ever
made: NCAA Football 08.
Game Overview
Here is an overview of what com-
prises NCAA Football 08. Most of
the game menu screens offer a help
button or text to walk you through
available options for that menu.
the game menu screens offer a help
button or text to walk you through
available options for that menu.
This is where you can start a quick
game against either the computer or
other human player(s). The “Select
Team” screen lets you choose from
more than 200 Division FBS and FCS
teams, including famous squads from
seasons past and any teams you
other human player(s). The “Select
Team” screen lets you choose from
more than 200 Division FBS and FCS
teams, including famous squads from
seasons past and any teams you
unlocked via pennants or created
yourself. A report card graph lets you
quickly measure team strengths and
weaknesses as well as how the two
teams shown match up. Below each
team name is a list of three impact
players to give you an idea of who to
look out for on offense and defense.
Also, there’s a button to select a
random team as well as a button to
set any two selected teams to equal
yourself. A report card graph lets you
quickly measure team strengths and
weaknesses as well as how the two
teams shown match up. Below each
team name is a list of three impact
players to give you an idea of who to
look out for on offense and defense.
Also, there’s a button to select a
random team as well as a button to
set any two selected teams to equal
There’s an option in this mode to
select not only a specifi c (or random)
stadium to play in (there are more
stadium to play in (there are more
Thank Jared Zabransky and Boise State’s performance in the Tostitos Fiesta Bowl for inspiring some new
plays for this year’s game—including the infamous Statue of Liberty play (sequence from left to right).
Except where noted, this strategy
guide focuses on the PlaySta-
tion 2 and Xbox versions of
this game. While many of the
gameplay strategies found in
this guide are very applicable
to other platforms, be aware
that specifi c game features,
gameplay and graphics will vary
from platform to platform. We
point out major diff erences
whenever possible in this guide.