Omnia Industries Turntable 6FM ユーザーズマニュアル

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Omnia 6 Use and Installation Guide – Version 1.00a 
The Left/Right outputs are pre-emphasized under normal circumstances, such as when feeding an outboard 
stereo generator or discrete microwave studio-transmitter link. The same applies when feeding a digital 
exciter from the AES/EBU output. These outputs can also be de-emphasized for installations that require a 
flat frequency response, as is the case when feeding other types of studio to transmitter links. The factory 
default de-emphasis setting is 75 µs
To change the De-Emphasis setting, rotate the jog-wheel to highlight one of the three choices: Off50 µs or  
75 µs
. Click the jog-wheel to set the de-emphasis selection. If choosing a de-emphasis time constant, be 
sure it matches the pre-emphasis time constant. Bear in mind that if Pre-Emphasis is turned on, selecting 
De-Emphasis Off means that the outputs will be pre-emphasized. Note: The De-Emphasis setting does not 
affect the composite output, which always follows the Pre-Emphasis setting. 
Note: The headphone output is automatically appropriately de-emphasized when any value of pre-emphasis 
is being used. 
Output Sample Rate 
One of four standard digital sample rates (32, 44.1, 48 and 96 kHz) can be selected. The output sample rate 
can be set to follow the incoming sample rate on the digital input, or it can be set so that it locks to the 
External AES Sync Input sample rate. 
            Output Menu showing Output Sample Rate Selections