Q-Logic 2500 ユーザーズマニュアル

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4–NIC Noninteractive Commands
-sunreset (Undo Reset Ethernet Statistics Counters)
SN0054667-00  C
(Undo Reset Ethernet Statistics Counters)
To undo the resetting of Ethernet statistics counters, issue the -sunreset 
command as follows:
qaucli -pr nic -sunreset [cna_port_inst]
For example:
qaucli -pr nic -sunreset 1
Port statistics undo reset for 1. CNA Port Index
(Delete Team)
To delete a team, issue the -teamdel command as follows:
qaucli -pr nic -teamdel <team_inst|ALL>
For example:
qaucli -pr nic -teamdel 3
About to delete team: 1 (QLogic VT-IM Miniport Driver #2). Please 
wait ...
Successfully deleted team: 1 ()
(Display Team Information)
To view information about a team, issue the -teaminfo command as follows:
qaucli -pr nic -teaminfo <team_inst|ALL>
For example:
qaucli -pr nic -teaminfo ALL
***** Team: QLogic VT-IM Miniport Driver #2 ******
Team Description: QLogic VT-IM Miniport Driver #2
Team Type       : Fail Over
Driver Name     : qlvtid.sys
Driver Version  :
Driver Date     : 05/26/2009
VLAN Enabled    : Disabled
VLAN ID         : None
MAC Address     : 00:c0:dd:0a:b1:a9
MTU             : 1500
IPv4 Address    :
Subnet Mask     :
IPv6 Address    : fe80::2c0:ddff:fe0a:b1a9
Link Status     : Unknown