National Instruments Car Stereo System 320571-01 ユーザーズマニュアル

ページ / 157
NI-DSP Analysis VI Reference 
Chapter 2
Part 3:  NI-DSP Function Reference 
NI-DSP SRM for LabVIEW for Windows
DSP Custom
Use this VI as the interface to
call your own custom functions
written on the DSP board from
LabVIEW.  For more details
about how to use this VI, refer
to Part 4, NI-DSP Interface
, of this manual.
slot is the board ID number.  slot defaults to 3.
function code indicates which function on the DSP board LabVIEW is calling.  function code defaults
to 0.
Array of Handles in is an array of DSP Handle Clusters that hold all of the references to the input and
output data buffers used in your custom functions on the DSP board.
Array of SGL Scalars in is an array of 32-bit floating-point scalars that hold all of the input 32-bit
floating-point scalars used in your custom functions on the DSP board.
Array of I32 Scalars in is an array of 32-bit long integer scalars that hold all of the input 32-bit long
integer scalars used in your custom functions on the DSP board.
Array of Handles out is an array of DSP Handle Clusters that is identical to Array of Handles in, but
with the output results already stored in the memory buffers on the DSP board.
Array of SGL Scalars out is an array of 32-bit floating-point scalars that is identical to Array of SGL
Scalars in
, but with the output results already stored in the array.
Array of I32 Scalars out is an array of 32-bit long integer scalars that is identical to Array of I32
Scalars in
, but with the output results already stored in the array.
error in (no error) contains the error information from a previous VI.  If an error occurs, it is passed out
error out and no other calls are made.
error out contains the error information for this call.