Motorola Router 6161252-00-01 ユーザーズマニュアル

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2-4  Administrator’s Handbook
The Transmit RIP pop-up menu is hidden if NAT is enabled.
Routing Information Protocol (RIP) is needed if there are IP routers on other segments of your Ethernet 
network that the Motorola Netopia
 Router needs to recognize. Set to “Both” (the default) Motorola 
Netopia® Embedded Software Version 8.7.4 will accept information from either RIP v1 or v2 routers. 
Alternatively, select Receive RIP and select v1, v2, or v2 MD5 Authentication from the popup menu. With 
Receive RIP set to “v1,” the Motorola Netopia
 Router’s Ethernet por t will accept routing information 
provided by RIP packets from other routers that use the same subnet mask. Set to “v2,” the Motorola 
Netopia® Embedded Software Version 8.7.4 will accept routing information provided by RIP packets from 
other routers that use different subnet masks.
For more information on v2 MD5 Authentication, see 
If you want the Motorola Netopia
 Router to adver tise its routing table to other routers via RIP, select 
Transmit RIP and select v1, v2 (broadcast), or v2 (multicast) from the popup menu. With Transmit RIP v1 
selected, the Motorola Netopia® Embedded Software Version 8.7.4 will generate RIP packets only to other 
RIP v1 routers. With Transmit RIP v2 (broadcast) selected, the Motorola Netopia® Embedded Software 
Version 8.7.4 will generate RIP packets to all other hosts on the network. With Transmit RIP v2 (multicast) 
selected, the Motorola Netopia® Embedded Software Version 8.7.4 will generate RIP packets only to other 
routers capable of recognizing RIP v2 packets.
ADSL Line Configuration screen
The ADSL Line Configuration screen is shown below:
Select Circuit Type and from the pop-up menu choose the type of circuit to which you will be connecting: 
Multimode, T1.413, G.dmt, or G.lite.
Select Trellis Coding Enabled. Toggle it to On (the default) or Off.
Select Signaling Mode and choose Echo Cancellation or FDM (the default).
If you selected Multimode Circuit Type, the Fast Retrain Enabled field appears. Toggle it to On (the default) 
or Off.
                            ADSL Line Configuration
         Circuit Type...                    Multimode
         Trellis Coding Enabled:            On
         Signaling Mode...                  FDM
         Fast Retrain Enabled:              On
         Wiring Type...                     AutoSense
         Data Link Encapsulation...         RFC1483
         Annex Modes enabled:               Off