Mitsubishi Electronics Mitsubishi Digital Electronics Home Theater Server MELSEC-F ユーザーズマニュアル

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5 Buffer Memory (BFM)
5.4 Buffer Memory Details
 PLC User's Manual - Analog Control Edition
-4AD (4-channel Analog Input)
BFM #2 to #5: Averaging time
Setting range: 1 to 4095
Initial value: K1
Numeric data type: Decimal (K)
To change the channel data type from the immediate data (channels 1 to 4: BFM #10 to #13) to the average
data, set the desired averaging time (channels 1 to 4 : BFM #2 to 5).
The relation between the set averaging time and the corresponding operation is shown in the following table.
→ For a detailed description of channel data update timing, refer to Subsection 5.4.4.
1. Application
If the measurement signal contains comparatively reduced ripple noise, such as supply voltage frequency,
averaging will result in obtaining of stable data.
2. Cautions regarding averaging time setting
• To use the averaging function, be sure to set the digital filter of the corresponding channel to "0". (Digital 
filter setting: BFM #6 to #9 for channels 1 to 4)
To use the digital filter function, be sure to set the averaging time of the corresponding channel to "1". 
(Averaging time: BFM #2 to #5 for channels 1 to 4)
If the averaging time is set to a value other than "1" and the digital filter (BFM #6 to #9 for channels 1 to 4) 
is set to a value other than "0", the digital filter setting error (b11 of BFM #29) will occur.
• If one of the channels uses the digital filter, the A/D conversion time will be set to 5 ms for all the channels.
• If the averaging time is out of the setting range, the averaging time setting error (b10 of BFM #29) will 
• If the averaging time is set, the data history function cannot be used.
time (BFM 
#2 to #5)
Channel data (BFM #10 to #13) type
Error descriptions
0 or less
Immediate data
(Each time the A/D conversion is performed, the channel 
data will be updated.)
K0 will be set, and the averaging time 
setting error (b10 of BFM #29) will 
1 (initial 
Immediate data
(Each time the A/D conversion is performed, the channel 
data will be updated.)
2 to 400
Average data
(Each time the A/D conversion is performed, the average 
value will be calculated and the channel data will be 
401 to 4095
Average data
(Each time the A/D conversion data reaches the averaging 
time, the average data will be calculated and the channel 
data will be updated.)
4096 or more
Average data
(Each time the A/D conversion is performed, the channel 
data will be updated.)
4096 will be set, and the averaging 
time setting error (b10 of BFM #29) will 