MGE UPS Systems 66074 ユーザーズマニュアル

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Management Cards
User Manual
T H E   U N I N T E R R U P T I B L E   P O W E R   P R O V I D E R
Network Management Card
 – User Manual
Restart after is the minimum shutdown time before restarting the UPS after a shutdown sequence. It is
thus possible to limit repeated restarts that may be due to several successive utility failures.
If the Battery is charged for and If Capacity exceeds are two extra conditions for minimum battery
level and maximum recharge time to be reached before restarting the UPS after utility restoration 
For controlled outlets (group 1 or group 2 ), the page enables programming of operation time and level in
backup mode to manage outlet load shedding in the event of electric power failure:
Switch Off after (from  0 to 65534).defines the time during which the outlet is supplied starting from
the moment of utility failure. Caution, this time includes the outlet shutdown duration.
Switch Off if capacity under is an extra condition for outlet shutdown that can trigger the shutdown
sequence before shutdown duration runs out.
Shutdown duration is the time required for complete shutdown of the systems supplied by the outlet
when an outlet shutdown sequence is launched.
It is calculated automatically using the maximum shutdown durations of subscribed clients.
Switch On (from  0 to 65534). is the period between main output startup and startup of the relevant
programmable outlet, therefore outlet startup can be delayed in relation to the main output.
Security: The administrator has to click on Save and enter his login/password to save any modifications. The
default login and password are: MGEUPS