Lucent Technologies Definity Enterprise Communication Server 8.2 ユーザーズマニュアル

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DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2
Administrator’s Guide  
Issue 1
April 2000
Managing multimedia calling 
Multimedia Call Handling 
Station screen 
After you have administered the BRI data module, use the Station screen to 
associate it with a voice station to screen a multimedia complex. This is a 
one-to-one relationship: you can administer only one station and one data 
endpoint per multimedia complex. Neither the voice station, nor the data endpoint 
can be a member of another multimedia complex.
A BRI station cannot be part of a multimedia complex.
H.320 Conversion
 Valid entries are y and n (default). 
This field is 
optional for non-multimedia complex voice stations and for Basic 
multimedia complex voice stations. It is mandatory for Enhanced 
multimedia complex voice stations. Because the system can only handle a 
limited number of conversion calls, you may need to limit the number of 
telephones with H.320 conversion. Enhanced multimedia complexes must 
have this flag set to 
For non-multimedia complex voice stations, setting this field to
H.320 calls to convert to voice and alert at the stand-alone voice station. If 
the call is unanswered at the voice station, the call will follow standard 
voice treatment. Any subsequent station that is reached in the routing of 
this call, that is, coverage points, forwarded destinations, call pickup 
members, and so forth, do not need to have the H.320 field enabled. The 
H.320 field is only needed at the 
 station that may receive the H.320 
For Basic multimedia complex voice stations, setting this field to 
H.320 calls to convert to voice and alert at the Basic multimedia complex 
voice station 
 an attempt has been made to offer the call to the H.320 
DVC system. If the call is unanswered at the H.320 DVC system, the call 
will alert at the voice station after 5 seconds or after the administered 
number of rings as specified in the voice station’s coverage path. If the call 
is unanswered at the voice station, the call will follow standard voice 
treatment. Any subsequent station that is reached in the routing of this call, 
that is, coverage points, forwarded destinations, call pickup members, and 
so forth, do not need to have the H.320 field enabled. The H.320 field is 
only needed at the 
 station that may receive the H.320 call. 
Service Link Mode 
The service link is the combined hardware and 
software multimedia connection between an Enhanced mode complex’s 
H.320 DVC system and the DEFINITY ECS which terminates the H.320 
protocol. A service link is never used by a Basic mode complex H.320 
DVC system. Connecting a service link will take several seconds. When 
the service link is connected, it uses MMI, VC and system timeslot