Galaxy Metal Gear 65 ユーザーズマニュアル

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Galaxy 65 User Guide
To set SAM passwords:
From SAM, select Manage Galaxy 65 Subsystem > General Config > Passwords/Security.
The Passwords/Security page displays.
In the Password Configuration panel, enter the passwords you want.
Click Change.
5.1.5 Configuring the Security Options
You can enable or disable the following LAN-related functions:
• FTP Capability: Controls access to the SMs using file transfer protocol (FTP), which permits you to 
upgrade the SM’s LAN Subsystem software. The default is enabled.
• Telnet Capability: Controls access to the SMs using Telnet, which permits you to manage the SMs 
using your LAN. The default is enabled.
• HTTP: Controls access to the SMs using hypertext transfer protocol (HTTP), which permits you to 
manage the SMs using SAM. The default is enabled.
• SNMP Capability: Controls the availability of SNMP, which permits remote monitoring of the SM 
using your LAN. The default is enabled.
• Internet Debug: Used for diagnosing problems during the technical support process. We 
recommend that this remain disabled unless support personnel tell you to enable it. The default is 
disabled. You must restart both SMs for the change to take effect. Select Shutdown/Restart from 
the SAM menu.
• In-Band Management: Controls whether you can use the Galaxy 65 Configuration Application 
Programming Interface (CAPI) to access the SM. Disabled means the SM does not have a 
management LUN assigned. Click the blue text to access the page where you can assign the 
management LUN.
To change any of the security options:
From SAM, select Manage Galaxy 65 Subsystem > General Config > Passwords/Security.
The Passwords/Security page displays.
In the Security Configuration panel, select the options you want.
Click Change.