Follett VERSION 6.00 ユーザーズマニュアル

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Interpreting the Remote Inventory exception report
The Remote Inventory exception report alerts you to items that may require some
followup on your part. Only Missing items are checked in and made Available
when you process remote inventory data. Inventory does not change the copy
status of items that are Checked Out, On Loan, At The Bindery, On Hold, or Lost.
The exception report is available from the Exception Reports folder inside of your
Follett folder.
For example, if you scanned the items in your checkin drop box, you would
want to check in those items in Circulation Desk using the barcode listed on the
Remote Inventory exception report. If there is a problem on the exception report
that you are unable to resolve, contact Follett Software's Technical Support
The Remote Inventory exception report always includes the first and last barcode
you scanned and ends with a summary of the copies that were processed. The
following graphic contains a sample Remote Inventory exception report with
several shelf order errors:
                                Remote Inventory                                
                               10/13/2000 @ 2:53pm                              
File Name: C:\Program Files\Follett\CC40\TEMP\PHD00001.TXT
Check order based on: Call number
Check Dewey difference of: 100
Verify call number consistency: Yes
   First:    428.1            Steckler, Arthu  101 more words   T 21104         
   Previous: E SPA            Spanjian, Beth.  Baby Brontosaur  T 88011         
   Current:  E SPA            Spanjian, Beth.  Baby Stegosauru  T 88010         
   Next:     796.9 Lyt        Lyttle, Richard  Basic hockey st  T 887766        
      WARNING: Call number of current copy is inconsistent with call number of
      next copy. 
   Previous: E SPA            Spanjian, Beth.  Baby Stegosauru  T 88010         
   Current:  796.9 Lyt        Lyttle, Richard  Basic hockey st  T 887766        
   Next:     780 Rac          Rachlin, Ann.    Beethoven        T 48973         
      WARNING: Shelf is out of order. Current copy has a Call Number that is
      greater than the next copy.
   Previous: 796.9 Lyt        Lyttle, Richard  Basic hockey st  T 887766        
   Current:  780 Rac          Rachlin, Ann.    Beethoven        T 48973         
   Next:     973.929 Cwi      Cwiklik, Robert  Bill Clinton :   T 2000          
      WARNING: Difference between call numbers of current and next copy is
      greater than the selected difference of 100. 
To help you locate the copy on the shelf, the exception report provides you with the call number,
author, title, and barcode for the previous, current, and next copy.
The report header includes the shelf checking options you selected.