Follett VERSION 6.00 ユーザーズマニュアル

ページ / 730
Chapter 35  Using your OPAC
Accelerated Reader search
Your patrons can search the database for titles that meet the requirements of the
Accelerated Reader  program. They can retrieve them if the MARC records have
the necessary information in the 526 tag (see page 635).
When the patron clicks the AR button, the Accelerated Reader Search appears:
Any entries
here are also
To narrow the search,
select the reading level.
Select a point value.
Click to open
the AR dialog.
The patron selects or enters a reading level range, point value range, and,
optionally, a subject and/or an author. The patron then clicks Search to produce a
list of items that meet the requirements.
The full MARC record display in the text interface includes subfields a, b, c, d,
and z (at Union Catalog Plus sites, subfield 5 also displays). The record display in
the visual interface includes subfields a, c, d, and z.
Lexile search
Lexile measures refer to numeric ranges from 0 to 2400 of the Lexile Framework
for Reading, an educational tool that links text and readers under a common
metric without subjective evaluation.