Follett VERSION 6.00 ユーザーズマニュアル

ページ / 730
Chapter 35  Using your OPAC
Searching your library in the visual interface
The visual interface is designed for the lessexperienced patron. Its windows
have abbreviated information, easytouse controls, and a more graphical
appearance than the text interface. It incorporates preconfigured searches, a
simplified typein window, and access to other applications and the Internet.
Unlike the text interface, where the patron must enter a search term and select an
index, in the visual interface, the patron merely clicks an action button to get
results. The visual interface comes with several preconfigured action button sets;
you can use these buttons and sets, change them, or create your own in Setup
(please see page 415 for more information).
To open the visual interface, you must first enable it in Setup by choosing Visual
OPAC Only or Let Patron Decide on the General OPAC Setup tab (see page 405).
If you chose Let Patron Decide, launch the visual interface by selecting Tools |
Go to Visual OPAC on the menu or by clicking the toolbar button. If you chose
Visual OPAC Only, you see the following image when you launch your OPAC.
This is the main window, populated with the default home button set:
Button for changing to the text
interface - visible only if you chose
Let Patron Decide in Setup
Open Bookbag
Reset button clears
the Navigation list
and Bookbag and
returns you to the
home button set in
the main window
Navigation list
Action buttons
Action button
set name
Getting around in Visual OPAC
At the top of the window is the toolbar. From left to right, depending on the
choices you made in Setup, the toolbar buttons are To Text OPAC, Open Bookbag,
and Reset. In other windows, the Add to Bookbag and Print buttons also appear.
To distinguish these and the action buttons from nonfunctioning icons, your
mouse pointer changes to a hand when it moves over a clickable button. In