Acme Kitchenettes Koolmaster PP-32 ユーザーズマニュアル

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Adjusting the Open-Time for the Hi Static Pressure Alarm
The Open-Time of the tunnel curtain or vent doors, in case a Hi static
pressure alarm occurs, can be adjusted from 0 to 900 sec.
Set the function to  "21.Alarm Limits" from the  main menu using
the navigation buttons.
Use the navigation buttons to select "2.Static Pressure" then press
the right-arrow key.
Press the right-arrow key once
again in order to select the "3.Hi
Static Alarm" option. The opening
time of vent doors and of the tunnel
curtain are displayed.
Use the adjustment buttons to adjust vents doors' Open-Time.
Press the down-arrow key once to select curtain's Open-Time.
Use the adjustment buttons to adjust curtain's Open-Time.
5.13.3 Resetting the Alam Log
Resetting the alarm log can only be performed from the installer mode.
Set the function to  "19.Installation" from the  main menu using the
navigation buttons then press the right-arrow key. The "Clear
Alarms" menu is selected. Note that this menu is only accessible
from the installer mode (see sec. 5.14.2).
Use the adjustment buttons to select "Yes", in order to clear the
alarm log. The answer is validated after an 8 second delay or when
the user exits the menu.
Hi Static Alarm
Open Vents sec    30
Open Tunnel sec   30