Delta Tau GEO BRICK LV ユーザーズマニュアル

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Geo Brick LV User Manual
Motor Type & Protection Power-On PLCs 
Stepper Motor Power-On PLC Sample 
The following PLC sets up an 8-axis Geo Brick LV to drive 8 stepper motors: 
Open PLC 1 Clear 
// Disable all other PLCs, and kill motors 
DIS PLCC 0..31 
DIS PLC 2..31 
// Axis 1 Settings 
CMD"WX:$78014,$F8CDFE" ; Select axis # and set motor mode (Stepper)  
I5111 = 50 * 8388608/I10 While(I5111 > 0)EndW 
CMD"WX:$78014,$F84DFE" ; Clear error(s) on selected axis in stepper mode 
I5111 = 50 * 8388608/I10 While(I5111 > 0)EndW 
CMD"WX:$78014,$F00DFE" ; Save and write protect channel from strobe word changes 
I5111 = 50 * 8388608/I10 While(I5111 > 0)EndW 
// Axis 2 Settings 
CMD"WX:$78014,$F9CDFE" ; Select axis # and set motor mode (Stepper)  
I5111 = 50 * 8388608/I10 While(I5111 > 0)EndW 
CMD"WX:$78014,$F94DFE" ; Clear error(s) on selected axis in stepper mode 
I5111 = 50 * 8388608/I10 While(I5111 > 0)EndW 
CMD"WX:$78014,$F10DFE" ; Save and write protect channel from strobe word changes 
I5111 = 50 * 8388608/I10 While(I5111 > 0)EndW 
// Axis 3 Settings 
CMD"WX:$78014,$FACDFE" ; Select axis # and set motor mode (Stepper)  
I5111 = 50 * 8388608/I10 While(I5111 > 0)EndW 
CMD"WX:$78014,$FA4DFE" ; Clear error(s) on selected axis in stepper mode 
I5111 = 50 * 8388608/I10 While(I5111 > 0)EndW 
CMD"WX:$78014,$F20DFE" ; Save and write protect channel from strobe word changes 
I5111 = 50 * 8388608/I10 While(I5111 > 0)EndW 
// Axis 4 Settings 
CMD"WX:$78014,$FBCDFE" ; Select axis # and set motor mode (Stepper)  
I5111 = 50 * 8388608/I10 While(I5111 > 0)EndW 
CMD"WX:$78014,$FB4DFE" ; Clear error(s) on selected axis in stepper mode 
I5111 = 50 * 8388608/I10 While(I5111 > 0)EndW 
CMD"WX:$78014,$F30DFE" ; Save and write protect channel from strobe word changes 
I5111 = 50 * 8388608/I10 While(I5111 > 0)EndW 
// Axis 5 Settings 
CMD"WX:$78114,$F8CDFE" ; Select axis # and set motor mode (Stepper)  
I5111 = 50 * 8388608/I10 While(I5111 > 0)EndW 
CMD"WX:$78114,$F84DFE" ; Clear error(s) on selected axis in stepper mode 
I5111 = 50 * 8388608/I10 While(I5111 > 0)EndW 
CMD"WX:$78114,$F00DFE" ; Save and write protect channel from strobe word changes 
I5111 = 50 * 8388608/I10 While(I5111 > 0)EndW 
// Axis 6 Settings 
CMD"WX:$78114,$F9CDFE" ; Select axis # and set motor mode (Stepper)  
I5111 = 50 * 8388608/I10 While(I5111 > 0)EndW 
CMD"WX:$78114,$F94DFE" ; Clear error(s) on selected axis in stepper mode 
I5111 = 50 * 8388608/I10 While(I5111 > 0)EndW 
CMD"WX:$78114,$F10DFE" ; Save and write protect channel from strobe word changes 
I5111 = 50 * 8388608/I10 While(I5111 > 0)EndW 
// Axis 7 Settings 
CMD"WX:$78114,$FACDFE" ; Select axis # and set motor mode (Stepper)  
I5111 = 50 * 8388608/I10 While(I5111 > 0)EndW 
CMD"WX:$78114,$FA4DFE" ; Clear error(s) on selected axis in stepper mode 
I5111 = 50 * 8388608/I10 While(I5111 > 0)EndW 
CMD"WX:$78114,$F20DFE" ; Save and write protect channel from strobe word changes 
I5111 = 50 * 8388608/I10 While(I5111 > 0)EndW 
// Axis 8 Settings 
CMD"WX:$78114,$FBCDFE" ; Select axis # and set motor mode (Stepper)  
I5111 = 50 * 8388608/I10 While(I5111 > 0)EndW 
CMD"WX:$78114,$FB4DFE" ; Clear error(s) on selected axis in stepper mode 
I5111 = 50 * 8388608/I10 While(I5111 > 0)EndW 
CMD"WX:$78114,$F30DFE" ; Save and write protect channel from strobe word changes 
I5111 = 50 * 8388608/I10 While(I5111 > 0)EndW 
Dis PLC 1 