BMW 2005 645Ci Convertible オーナーマニュアル

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Active cruise control may brake when you 
reduce the stored desired speed; however, the 
driver must constantly monitor traffic and inter-
vene if necessary.
When you switch off the engine or ignition, 
active cruise control is fully switched off, too, 
and any settings you have selected are can-
Behavior in curves
Because of the limited range of the system, it is 
possible that in curves or on the peaks and val-
leys of hilly roads, a vehicle ahead may be rec-
ognized late, or not at all. Therefore, it is up to 
the driver to select a speed that is prudent in 
view of the curves and terrain of the roadway.
In approaching a curve, it is possible that active 
cruise control would react briefly to a vehicle in 
the adjacent lane. In addition, the system can 
sense if your vehicle is in a curve and may not 
accelerate. If your vehicle decelerates in either 
case, you can choose to overcome the deceler-
ation by briefly pressing the accelerator pedal.
Driver interventions
Anytime the driver presses down on the 
accelerator pedal, any automatic braking 
action by the system is interrupted until the 
pedal is fully released. After doing this, release 
the accelerator and the system again controls 
your cruising speed and distance setting. While 
driving with activated system, resting your foot 
on the accelerator pedal will cause the system 
not to brake even if necessary. Be certain that 
floormats or other objects on the vehicle floor 
do not interfere with movement of the accelera-
tor pedal.
While active cruise control is capable of 
braking your vehicle automatically when 
you approach a slower vehicle ahead, it is 
important to be aware that the ability of the sys-
tem to apply the brakes is also limited, if you are 
driving down a steep grade or when you reduce 
your desired speed sharply. The system cannot 
stop your vehicle. It uses only a portion of brak-
ing system capacity and does not utilize the full 
capacity of the vehicle braking system. There-
fore, the system cannot decrease your speed 
for large differences in speed between your 
vehicle and the vehicle ahead. Examples: during 
emergency braking, when you approach a vehi-
cle traveling at a much lower speed than your 
own speed such as when approaching a toll 
booth or when a much slower vehicle cuts in 
front of you at close range.
Whenever active cruise control 
recognizes a situation that requires 
driver braking because the system 
capacity has been reached or has 
been exceeded, the system alerts 
the driver by flashing this symbol in the instru-
ment cluster and sounding a signal.
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